多様な背景を持つ子どもの授業への参加過程の関係論的分析 : 言語を通じた関係性構築に注目して
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近年、世界のボーダレス化に伴い日本でも多様な言語文化背景を持つ子どもたちが増えている。そして、それに伴い子どもたちの授業参加の難しさが指摘されている。本稿では多様な背景を持つ子どもたちの授業参加を可能にする手立てを探るため、一名の帰国児童(健二)の授業参加のプロセスを周囲の児童との言語を通した関係作りに注目し明らかにした。まず、教室全体の言語的やり取りの量的変化から授業への参加過程を明らかにし、続いて言語的やりとりの質的変化から授業参加に伴う周囲の児童との関係構築の過程を明らかにした。分析の結果、健二の授業参加は授業に個別に参加する周辺的参加から徐々に授業の流れに直接関わる正統的なものとなっていった。そして、参加の積極化の背景には、参加に向けた健二自身の主体的な関わりと周囲の児童とのことばを通した関係性の構築が影響していることがわかった。Recently, cross border movement of people has become more common, resulting in an increased number of people with diverse backgrounds. Consequently, the number of children with diverse languages and cultures has grown as well. Sometimes this can cause problems. Many schoolteachers have pointed out that these children often have difficulties participating in class. In this study I try to clarify one way these children can successfully participate in class. Specifically, I observed the participatory behavior of one returnee student named "Kenji". I observed how he gradually began to participate in class by constructing relationships with his classmates through language. First, I analyze the changing process of Kenji's class participation by observing a change in the amount of classroom interaction. Then I analyze how he constructs relationships among his peers together with his class participation by observing a change in the quality and content of interaction. The results show that Kenji's class participation gradually became full participation. And, it becomes clear that Kenji's active participation and the construction of relationships with his classmates through language have an influence on Kenji's participation.
- 2007-06-23
論文 | ランダム
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