中国人学習者の丁寧さ表現の習得 : 「依頼補助」方略の使用から
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本稿は、依頼場面において「丁寧さ」表現がどのように習得されるかを横断的に調査したものである。初級終了直後の学習段階5名、中級学習段階5名、上級学習段階4名の中国人学習者、及び同年代の日本人学生を対象に、談話完成タスクをロールプレイ形式で行い、依頼を補助する方略(Supportive Moves)の種類と量に違いが見られるかどうかを調査した。その結果、依頼補助方略の種類で最も早く使用される方略は、「理由・状況」「感謝」「前置き」であり、初級終了直後の段階までに産出されること、続いて「わび」「依頼マーカー」が中級学習段階から産出され、「条件」「保障」は、最も使用が難しい方略であることが示唆された。また、上級学習段階では、中級学習段階までに比べて方略数が急増し、日本人学生が使用しない方略も見られた。言語処理能力が上ったために、使用できる方略の種類や数が増加する反面、相手レベルと丁寧さのマッピングに母語の影響が現れたと考えられる。This paper reports research investigating the acquisition processes of politeness strategies by cross-sectional design. Requests in conversation data collected from three levels of Chinese JSL learners, 5 upper beginning (CJ1), 5 intermediate (CJ2) and 4 advanced (CJ3) through the completion of situational role-plays, were analyzed for 'supportive moves strategies' and the production from the three levels was compared for changes in request support strategy type and quantity. Results showed the following: (1) Learners acquire 'reason and situation', 'appreciation', and 'preparation' first. The next stage is 'apology' 'request markers' which were produced by intermediate learners. This is followed by the most difficult 'condition' and 'guarantee'. (2) CJ3 uses some strategies which Japanese students were not observed using to the same extent. (3) The degree of strategy usage increases greatly for advanced learners when compared to intermediate. A reason for this is a possible correlation in an increase in language processing competence and an increase in the number of available strategies. (4) CJ2 and CJ3 learners use supportive strategies when providing requests to 'professors' in similar quantities to 'lecturers'. This tendency differs from Japanese students. These results, it is suggested, are due to pragmatic transfer in the mapping of social distance and degree of politeness from L1 social rules.
- 2005-07-09
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