南西諸島における先史時代の墓制 (III) : 沖縄諸島
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This paper analyzes prehistoric burial site in the Okinawa Islands. The following results were found: i) each village possibly had different graveyard locations as well as the Amami Islands, ii) the grave type of a few stones in the burial pit changes to a stone enclosure type, and the stone coffin type and pit burial under a lot of gravel in the Okinawa Islands was influenced from southwest Kyushu and the Osumi Islands; iii) many secondary burials or multiple burials, and accessories, funerary goods found in rock shelters are the result of added burials; iv) the burial of the corpse in the supine position is the main burial style, but also many buried corpses on their prone position in the Okinawa Islands and are related to Taiwan; v) there are five patterns showing how the head of the person buried was valued and this is judged by the burial style and funerary good, vi) one or two teeth in the lower jaw are extracted out the lower jaw, this increases to four teeth for those of the early shell mound (kaizuka) period to late period; vii) many of the funerary potteries were found to contain men in the early shell mound period, and tooth extraction was done mainly on women in the late shell mound period.
- 2011-03-10
論文 | ランダム
- 紫外線消毒された大腸菌の光回復および代謝活性への濁質の影響(卒業論文梗概)
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