SiO2-TiO2ゾル-ゲル系におけるEu3+イオンの蛍光スペクトル||SiO2-TiO2 ゾル-ゲル ケイ ニ オケル Eu3+ イオン ノ ケイコウ スペクトル
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The sol-gel process was used to prepare sols and xerogels of SiO2,TiO2 and mixed SiO2-TiO2 doped with Eu3+ in order to study the local structures of the sol-gel systems by using the environment-sensitive fluorescence of Eu3+. Fluorescence spectra of Eu3+ were monitored during the sol-gel process under various preparation conditions such as water/tetraethoxysilane ratio and SiO2/TiO2 ratio. The height of the 615 nm transition(5D0→7F2)relative to that of the 595 nm(5D0→7F1)decreases with an increase in the water/tetraethoxysilane and SiO2/TiO2 ratios,while the relative height of the 615 nm transition increases along with the sol-gel reactions and thermal treatments. These spectral changes were primarily ascribed to the effects of water coordination on Eu3+.
論文 | ランダム
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