Multiagent system for joke generation: Humor and emotions combined in human-agent conversation
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In this paper we present an innovative work on a multiagent joking conversational system. In our research so far we have shown that implementing humor into a chatterbot can visibly improve its performance. The results presented in this paper are the outcome of the next step of our work. They show that a multiagent system, combining a conversational agent, a pun generator and an emotiveness analysis engine, works reasonably well in interactions with users. In the setup used in this research, the emotiveness analysis agent analyses users' utterances and decides whether it is appropriate to tell a pun. Depending on the results of this analysis, the agent chooses either the pun generator, if the decision is that a joke should be told, or the non-humor-equipped agent when the decision is different. Two evaluation experiments were conducted: user (first person) focused and automatic (emotiveness-analysis-based). In both, we compared the performance of the multiagent joking system and a baseline (non-humorous) conversation agent. The results show that in both cases the humor-equipped engine was evaluated as better than the baseline agent. The results are discussed and some ideas for the future are given.
- IOS Pressの論文
ジェプカ ラファウ
ジェプカ ラファウ
Rzepka Rafal
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Language Media Laboratory
Rzepka Rafal
北大 大学院情報科学研究科
Araki Kenji
Hokkaido Univ.
Araki Kenji
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Language Media Laboratory
Dybala Pawel
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Language Media Laboratory
Rzepka Rafal
Ptaszynski Michal
Hokkaido University Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Language Media Laboratory
ジェプカ ラファウ
北海道大学大学院 情報科学研究科 メディアネットワーク専攻
Rafal Rzepka
Graduate School Of Information Science And Technology Hokkaido University
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