The Change of the Split Renal Function Before and After a Nephrectomy Using Tc-Mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3)
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Objective : We examined the change in the renal function in the normal side kidney before and after a nephrectomy, by means of a newly developed diuretic renography technique utilizing Tc 99m-mercaptoacetyltriglycine (MAG3). Materials and methods : Forty patients who underwent a nephrectomy were evaluated using MAG3 diuretic renography. We measured the effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and Tmax time before and after a nephrectomy. The effects of the patient age and the preoperative ERPF of ill side kidney on the post operative ERPF were then assessed statistically. Results : The ERPF increased by an average of 44.8 ml/min at 2 weeks after a nephrectomy, but it decreased by an average of 24.3 ml/min at 3 months after a nephrectomy. The Tmax time decreased by an average of 0.58 min at 2 weeks, but thereafter increased by an average of 0.58 min at 3 months after a nephrectomy. The correlation coefficient between the rate of increase in the ERPF and the patient age was 0.197. Conclusions : The rise of renal function in terms of ERPF and the Tmax time was observed at 2 weeks post-nephrectomy. However, this effect disappeared at 3 months post-nephrectomy. These data demonstrated that the rise in the renal function of the normal-side kidney in such patients was only temporary.Tc-MAG3を用いて,腎摘除術前後における健側腎機能の推移を検討した.【対象と方法】対象は当科にて腎摘除を行い,手術前後にTc-MAG3を用いたrenographyを行った40名.renographyでは,effectiverenalplasmaflow(ERPF)とTmaxtimeを評価項目とした.また,健側腎ERPFの増加率については,健側腎機能に影響を与えると考えられる患者年齢・患側腎のERPFと相関がないか検討した.【結果】健側腎のERPFは,手術後2週目には44.8ml/min有意に増加し,Tmaxtimeも0.58分有意に短縮した.しかし,術後3ヶ月目には,術後2週目と比較しERPFは24.3ml/min有意に減少し,Tmaxtimeも有意ではないが0.58分延長した.また,健側腎における術後2週目のERPF増加率と対象の患者年齢・患側腎の機能と相関がないか検討したが,相関はなかった.【結論】腎摘除術前後における健側腎機能の機能亢進は一過性であった.また,患者年齢や患側腎のERPFは,健側腎の機能亢進を起こす患者側の因子ではなかった.
- 福岡医学会,Fukuoka Medical Associationの論文
- 2005-12-25
徳田 倫章
徳田 倫章
一倉 晴彦
原野 正彦
徳田 倫章
一倉 晴彦
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