『資本論』第3巻8章,9章の検討 : 剰余価値率の取扱いと転化問題をめぐって
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The Marx’s Model on the transformation of values into prices of productionis reexamined in this paper through the critical inspection of “Das Kapital”vol.3, chapter 8 and 9,and veiled assumptions in these chapters arecleared.From the logical analysis of chapter 8,it is revealed that the wellknownmodel about the surplus value rates of various countries, i.e. “a countryin Europe” and “a country in Asia”, should be used carefully, becauseother surplus value rates bring higher profit rates to the country of higher organiccomposition of capital, i.e. “a country in Europe”.From the logical analysis of chapter 9,it is revealed that his modelshould contain the factor of demand and supply relationship. A capital flowmodel between two production spheres, to which the demand and supplycurve derived from his production model in chapter 10 is applied, demonstratesthat the amount variability of total value arises in some cases underthe existence of average rate of profit.
- 2010-02-26
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