Second Language Acquisition Theory : Understanding Key Concepts and Terms
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自由論文The field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research has grown into a vast network of academic discourses in recent years. Coming to grips with myriad terms and concepts associated with the field can sometimes seem like a Herculaen task beyond our capabilities. This paper hopes to provide clear explanations of those terms and constructs that are essential for entering into dialaogue with the most prominent theorists and researchers in SLA today. An evaluation is also made of the theoretical and pedagogical value of diverse constructs including: Interlanguage, Fossilization, Language Acquisition Device, Curriculum Objectives, and Task Based Approaches. An example is also provided of how newly-acquired knowledge of language acquisition can be chanelled effectively into a curricular needs-analysis for a particular educational setting.昨今の第2言語習得研究(SIA)は広範囲にわたる学際的ディスコースに発展してきた。このため膨大な用語や概念を把握することは極めて難しく思われる。本稿は今日のSLAの最先端をいく研究を理解する上で基本となる用語や考え方についての解説を試みる。また、中間言語、化石化、言語習得ディバイス、カリキュラムの目的、タスク・ベイスト・アプローチなどさまざまな概念についての、理論的ならびに実践的な評価検討も試みる。さらに、このような新しい第2言習得研究の成果が、どのように教育現場に導入され得るかの実例も紹介する。
- 2003-03-01
論文 | ランダム
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