The Characterization of the Minimal Vocalizations of UN, HU::N, and SO -Successful Communication Strategies by Japanese Speakers of English
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自由論文This study presents a characterization of the minimal vocalizations 'UN,' 'HU::N,' and 'SO,' which frequently occur in Japanese conversation and are often interpreted as back channels or listener responses meaning 'yes,' 'hmmm,' and 'uh-huh,' respectively. We have found that 'UN,' 'HU::N,' and 'SO' occur in our two sets of data of a female Japanese speaker conversing in English with a native speaker of English (NSE). In addition, many of these expressions systematically occur as speaker 'pre-and post-TCU (Turn Construction Unit) vocalizations.' In this study, we focus on these three brief expressions occurring as pre-and post-TCU vocalizations used by the native speakers of Japanese (NSJs), and attempt to characterize the multi-functional features which seem to play a strategic role in the interaction with native speakers of English (NSEs).日本語の会話に頻繁に起こる「うん」(UN)、「ふうん」(HU::N)、「そう」(SO)の発話は、聞き手の話者に対する相槌と解釈されてきた。しかし、本研究の談話分析で、これらの短い表現が、日本人話者が英語を話す際、発話内の発話順序構成単位(TCU)の前後に頻繁に発せられることがわかった。本稿は、発話順序構成単位の前後に発せられるこれらの短い表現が、日本人女性が英語を母語とする話者と円滑にコミュニケーションを計るために、どのような方略的特性を持っているかを分析する。
- 1999-03-01
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