Communicative Task and its Effect:Focus on Form Activity on the Third Person Singular Agreement at a Cram School in Japan
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This paper examined if students accustomed to non-communicative teaching methods could learn target grammar more easily, enjoy the lesson, and advance communicative skills if taught using communicative teaching methods. Two tasks were designed to teachthe third person singular agreement on the verb in English to junior high school studentsstudying at a cram school in Japan. The students’ performance on the use of the target grammar form was analyzed initially through recorded oral reports from an interview activity and via the second oral reports from an information gap activity 3 days later. The results of the initial and second error rates in the oral reports suggest that the activities were successful. The students enjoyed the activities while focusing on the form and the class was considered a success. This study is valuable since it challenged traditional way of teaching English at Japanese cram schools and changed the students’ consciousness toward English education.この論文は伝統的な英語指導法に慣れている日本人にコミュニカティブ・アプローチで英語教育を行った場合の英語習得について考える。日本の進学塾で学ぶ中学生を対象に、動詞の三人称単数現在形を教えるためのコミュニカティブ・タスクを2つ作成し、塾で実際に使用し、誤答率を調査した。1回目はインタビュー、三日後にインフォメーション・ギャップを行い、それぞれのオーラル・レポートを記録し正解率を比較分析した。結果、コミュニカティブ・タスクは塾の中学生の英語習得を促すことがわかった。生徒たちは楽しんで英語を学び、英語教育への意識が変わった。また、コミュニカティブな英語指導でも文法の習得が起きるということがわかった。
- 2006-03-01
論文 | ランダム
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