井尻家疎石考 : 甲斐国・別論
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For many years, I have been trying to certify the existence of AncientKai Dynasty, which has been ignored in Japan’s historiography. In thisarticle I intended to show a way to prove the existence of the dynasty. Ihappened to know that in Kai province there still was an old family calledIjiri Family which had a relationship with a famous Zen priest, MusohKokushi, whose real name was Musoh Soseki. I researched his biographicaldata and found an incredible description that suggested Musoh Kokushi’sproposal of building new ships for the trade with China (called Min at thetime) to the shogun, Ashikaga Takauji, and the vice-shogun, AshikagaTadayoshi. It must have been quite unusual for a mere Zen priest to dosuch a proposal to shogun, but the Muromachi shogunate accepted hisproposal and built the trade ships to start Japan-China trade. Moreover,Musoh Kokushi erected a Zen temple called Tenryu-ji using the money ofthe shogunate made by the Japan-China trade. All these facts seemincredibly exceptional, considering the position of Musoh Kokushi.Why could he do that? I assumed that the Ijiri Family held the key tosolve this question, because the family supported the Japan-China trade as aguardian of Musoh Kokushi. I also found out that both the trade and theerection of the temple are deeply related to gold, which used to beproduced in abundance in ancient Kai province.In this article, I tried to prove that the gold played an important role inthe existence of Kai Dynasty.
- 2011-02-25
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