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黒毛和種牛の潜在精巣と逸所精巣の機能や存在を評価するため、hCG 負荷試験と携帯型超音波診断装置による生殖器の観察を行った。症例として、正常に陰嚢内へ下降した片側精巣を去勢し、14日以上経過した片側潜在精巣(UC 群、n = 7、257.0 ± 45.6 日齢; 平均 ± SE)と片側精巣逸所症(UE群、n = 3、182.7 ± 34.8 日齢)を供し、6 ヵ月齢の正常雄子牛(IM 群、n = 19)と正常雄子牛を去勢後14 日経過した去勢牛(BC 群、n = 17)を対照として比較した。全ての牛で、採血後hCG 3,000 IU を投与し(Day 0)、Day 5、7 に採血し、血中テストステロン(T)濃度を測定した。Day 0 におけるUC、UE、IM、BC群の血中T濃度は、それぞれ2.4 ± 0.6、1.9 ± 1.1、8.2 ± 1.7、0.2 ± 0.2 ng/ml でUC とUE 群間(P = 0.83)を除き各群間で有意差がみられた(P < 0.05)。Day 0 の血中T濃度を100 % とした時のDay 5、 7 における変動率は、IM群で641.3 ± 239.7、387.3 ± 168.8 % といずれもDay 5 と有意差(P < 0.01)がみられたが、その他の群ではみられなかった。hCG 負荷試験でT産生能がIM群やBC群の様相と異なった#304(UC 群)と#2655(UE 群)は、超音波診断装置により膀胱頸部と左鼠径部に停留精巣を確認でき、潜在精巣と逸所精巣と診断された。結論としてhCG 負荷試験により、精巣が陰嚢内に正常に下降した牛ではその存在やT産生能を評価できたが、潜在精巣や逸所精巣などの異常例では、停留精巣の確定には至らなかった。一方、超音波診断装置では、膀胱頸部(潜在精巣)や鼠径部(逸所精巣)の停留精巣を描出でき、今後黒毛和種牛の精巣下降の異常が疑われる例において内分泌学的検査と超音波画像診断の併用により、確実な診断が可能になる。The existence and function of cryptorchid / ectropic testicles in Japanese Black calves were evaluated by hCG stimulation test and portable ultrasound machine. Unilateral cryptorchid calves where normal descended testicle in scrotum had been castrated 14 days before (UC; n = 7, 257.0 ± 45.6 days old; average ± SD) and unilateral ectropic testicle calves (UE; n = 3, 182.7 ± 34.8 days old), and those were compared, were investigated in contrast to intact male calves (IM; n = 19) and bilateral castrated calves (BC; n = 17) at six months old. For all calves, a hCG 3,000 IU was administrated (Day 0) and plasma testosterone (T) concentrations were measured on Day 0, 5 and 7. Plasma T concentrations on Day 0 showed 2.4 ± 0.6, 1.9 ± 1.1, 8.2 ± 1.7, 0.2 ± 0.2 ng/ml in UC, UE, IM and BC, respectively. They were significantly differed among calves (P < 0.05) except UC and UE (P = 0.83). Variations in plasma T concentrations on Day 5 or 7 compared to Day 0 showed significant increase in IM (641.3 ± 239.7, 387.3 ± 168.8 %; P < 0.01), whereas neither difference was observed in other groups. Cow #304 (UC) and #2655 (UE), where their T profiles differed from those of IM or BC, were subjected for ultrasonography and the retained testis was observed in cervical vesicle and left inguinal region, respectively. In conclusion, the existence and T profiles of normal descended testicles were reliability estimated with hCG stimulation test, however retained testicles in cryptorchid or ectopic testicle were not determined. Existence of retained testicle in cervical vesicle and left inguinal region were depicted with ultrasonography and those results stated that more reliable diagnosis of abnormal testicle descent could be preformed with the combination of endocrinological and ultrasonographic evaluation in Japanese Black cattle.
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