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Mycorrhiza and endophyte of Gastrodia confusa Honda et Tuyama were studied. The following results were obtained by investigation of the orchid in natural habitats, microscopic observation of the endophyte in the host and cultural studies of putative symbionts on agar medium. 1. Mycorrhiza is formed on the root which starts from the neck or tail of the tuber. 2. The form of mycorrhiza ranges from coral-shaped to necklace-shaped. 3. It seems that humidity conditions from spring to autumn prompted the good growth of the mycorrhiza. 4. Hyphae start from rhizomorph contact with young host roots then penetrate into the cortical cells through the epider-mal cells. 5. After invading 1-2 layers of cortical cells, the hyphae try to penetrate into inner host-cells, but are killed and digested by the ptyophagy process. 6. Putative symbiont cultures, obtained from coiled hyphae on the host root hold clamp-connections. 7. Almost all strains of the cultures show white to brown color and some of them form rhizomorph on the mycelial surface.1.アキザキヤツシロラン(1980年以前の分類体系による)の菌根は根に作られる(図A~B)。2.菌根を含む根全体は珊瑚状ないしネックレス状になる(同上)。3.菌根は春から秋までに雨が多いとよく形成されと考えられる。4.菌根菌(菌根形成にかかわる糸状菌=かび) はこのランの表面に自身の根状菌糸束(リゾモルファ) を接触させ, そこから菌糸を伸ばし表皮細胞, ついで皮層細胞に侵入する(図C~D)。5.菌は皮層細胞の根の表面から数えて1~2列目に広がった後, より内部に侵入しようとしてもランによって消化され死んでしまう(吐出消化, 図I)。6.寒天培地上に分離・培養した菌糸にはすべてクランプ結合が認められる(図H)。7.分離・培養された菌の菌叢の色は白色から褐色のものが多い。それらの菌の中には培地上で根状菌糸束をつくるものもある(図J~L)。
- 2010-03-01
論文 | ランダム
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