皮膚色調の研究 第1篇 正常人皮膚色調について
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Having taken up as my thema the question we are still unable to solve ever since Hippocrates, namely, the question of human skin-color, in order to improve those shortcomings found in the skin-colour table until present, but instead, to obtain one which is easily available to everybody, and moreover. Possesses an excellent statistical merit, i. e, the standard color index classified according to lightness, edited by Japanese Institute for Color Study: employing this latter one, studied the skin-color by classifying it into three phases, namely, mien, tone as well as tint, due to the equality method in color mhich proves three layers of color, that is to say. by considering any skin color as a point in a vast space, using figures, at 13 places stimated the skin color, attributed to inhabitants who were by profession either farmers, fishermen, highlanders, or town dwellers, who, though different in their modes of living, qualified about the same: thus, I have arrived at. results as follows.- (1) Normal skin color of those who live around the Seto Inland Sea coincides with Mr. Tsubaki's “The Skin-color of Tokyoits” or that reported by Mr. Okamoto; but in general, shows lower in mien as well as tone, while higher in tint. That the color of both the breast, upper inner arm, and thigh, due to Mr. Tsubaki prove slight change may be ascribed to imperfections of Luschan Table. In this respect, the standard color index according to the tone that I have employed has indicated two supreme merits, i. e, pretty scientific, at the same time, available to use any figure: has enabled me to estimate very minutely at each positions, even to very slight differencer. (2) Among normal human skin colors, comparatively slight change has been detected, in modes of living, for their skin color: but effects from the outer world seemed to be quite great. Among the four groups whihe were able to be cosidered approximately equal in qualifications, in male, those who live in town proved 4.7 in mien, which is the highest. With females, farming people has proved highest, while fisherwomen, town-dweller as well as highlanders proved to be lower. As to tone, it was higher in male town dwellers or female farmers: as to the difference between men and women, it has proved least in towns people; great deal in farmers, followed by fishermen and highlanders. As to tint, in male it has proved steadfast in general, but in female who lived in hills it has proved lowest. As to differences of mien, there was slight variation, the mere difference being that females show higher in tone, but lower in tint than with male. That is to say, women prove whiter (fairer) than men, with a slight deddishness. (3) It indicates an aspeet onyl slightly closer to ‘yellowish orange’ than to ‘orange’ in the skin-color of any normal human being its comparative ratio of reflection has a range from 287 to 37.6%; in tone, ranges 46%-63% in a comparative ratio of reflection. On the whole, redness shows a decrease in the order of fisher-people, highlanders, showing no such thinness of skin-color seen among highlanders as having been told by Pluscharl, but also giving certain support to the theories of Antanne, Dabagie or Wiener, which described the color density in proportion to the hight of land: they both possesses some truth: with females, mien enhances according to its height, while in males, the same circumstances improves tint. Generally speaking. I must conclude that no speeially remar-kable changes could he detected. However, my opinion would not be appropriate, because I have not investigated highlanders in particular. (4) Forehead is best-fitted for examination of skin-color, it being comparatively secure place: then comes upper inner arm, inner thigh, abdomen, places also comparatively safe, subject to little change throughout seasons or sex. Where the mien appears highest proved to be abdomen in a male, but the waist in a female;
- 1954-07-31
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