国際学の遙望 : 「連帯の経済学」への視座を求めて : フェアトレード運動と「市民力」成長会計に関する一論考(研究論文)
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In the contemporary world, the movements called fair-trade or FT are growing on the global stage. Generally, they are regarded as some kind of socio-political actions for the purpose of improving the present global relations of disparities established in the international trade system which forces the small farmers in the Third World engaged in mono-cultural productions to get less profits, as well as of stopping environmental disruptions by means of securing them more benefits and proposing transformation for more organic agricultural activities. However, from the views of traditional or classical economics, all attitudes for FT movements are not always rational, especially their antipathies against the ideal of free trade theories may possibly become another way of protectionism. The significances of FT movements should be focused on fulfillment of educational development or seeking for social justice in the international community rather than on conciliation with economic theories. The most important goal of FT is to establish international solidarity among citizens through the way of organizing more equal and more joint self-helped relationship for liberating themselves from menaces of poverty, hunger and disruption of human rights.
論文 | ランダム
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