計器の目盛に関する統計的研究(第1報) : 目盛位置と目測誤差の関係について
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Out of a series of experiments to clear up what causes the error in eyemeasurement of the scale which often gives to discussion in instrument technology, in this papar, the effect attributed to the position of scale is described. The experiment was carried out in placing the scale in different three positions: right above (horizontal direction), oblique and right side (vertical direction) against the centre of circular scale, under the same condition as in actual employment of instrument by using a particular experimental apparatus made by the author. In consequece, it has been cleared up that the right above is the best, the right side next and the oblique is the worst in the eye-measurement. Besides, eye-measurement error was investigated about following articles: (1) Discrepancy between mean value of eye-measurement and real value. (2) Standard deviation in mean value of eye-measurement. (3) Limit of error of eye-measurement.
- 信州大学工学部の論文
- 1959-01-30
信州大学工学部 | 論文
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