Rheology of SiO2/(Acrylic Polymer/Epoxy) Suspensions.III. Uniaxial Elongational Viscosity
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Uniaxial elongational viscosity of SiO2/(AP/EP) suspensions with various SiO2 volume fractions () in a blend of acrylic polymer (AP) and epoxy (EP) was investigated at various temperatures (T). The matrix polymer ((AP/EP) blend) contained 70 vol.% of EP. At 35 vol.% at T 80oC, where the suspensions were in sol state, strain hardening behavior was observed. This strain hardening of the suspensions is attributable to the elongational flow properties of (AP/EP) medium. At critical gel state ( = 35 vol.% and T = 100oC) and in gel state ( 40 vol.%) the elongational viscosity exhibited the strain softening behavior. These results strongly suggest that the strain softening results from the strain-induced disruption of the network structure of the SiO2 particles therein.
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