Rheology of SiO2/(Acrylic Polymer/Epoxy) Suspensions. II. Nonlinear Stress Relaxation
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Large deformation, nonlinear stress relaxation modulus G(t,) was examined for the SiO2 suspensions in a blend of acrylic polymer (AP) and epoxy (EP) with various SiO2 volume fractions () at various temperatures (T). The AP/EP contained 70 vol% of EP. At 30 vol%, the SiO2/(AP/EP) suspensions behaved as a viscoelastic liquid, and the time-strain separability, G(t,) G(t)h(), was applicable at long time. The h() of the suspensions was more strongly dependent on than that of the matrix (AP/EP). At = 35 vol% and T = 100oC, and 40 vol%, the time-strain separability was not applicable. The suspensions exhibited a critical gel behavior at = 35 vol% and T = 100C characterized with a power-law relationship between G(t) and t; G(t) tn. The relaxation exponent n was estimated to be about 0.45, which was in good agreement with the result of linear dynamic viscoelasticity reported previously. G(t,) also could be approximately expressed by the relation G(t,) tn at 40 vol%. The exponent n increased with increasing . This nonlinear stress relaxation behavior is attributable to strain-induced disruption of the network structure formed by the SiO2 particles therein.
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