中学校での特別支援教育への取り組みの推移について : P市における追跡調査をもとに
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本研究は、泥谷(2006)、垂水(2008)の追跡研究として位置づけられている。P市内の全中学校の通常学級担任、特別支援学級及び通級による指導担当者、特別支援教育コーディネーター、養護教諭を対象に「特別支援教育」についての実態及び意識調査を行い、2005年、2007年の調査結果との比較を行うことで、P市内の中学校の特別支援教育支援体制の現状を明らかにすることを目的とした。In this study, we investigated the change of involvement of special support education in junior high schools in P city in 2009. the result of this investigation were compared with the result of same area in 2005 and 2007. Understanding situation of school Committee for spacial support education improved in all type of subjects (regular class teacher, special education teacher and school nurse) in 2009. In spite of the improvement, the understanding situation of regular class teacher were lower than the others. In addition half of schools answered that they hold the Committee meetings only 1 time in a school term. This result was one of the symbolic result of difficulty of promoting special support education in junior high schools. On the other hands, a percentage of including items about special support education at school evaluation forms were increased statistically significant. This result was hopefull to solve the difficult situations of special support education facing junior high schools.
- 2010-12-03
- 中学校での特別支援教育への取り組みの推移について : P市における追跡調査をもとに
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