亜熱帯・温帯境界域としての島おこし課題 -与論における地域特性の再発見と地域振興-
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与論の自律的発展を、内発性発揚・共治力形成・持続可能性展開・比較優位性の獲得から総括的に捉えた。与論の地域特性は、薩南諸島の中の最南端亜熱帯域であり、琉球文化圏にある。亜熱帯島嶼・亜温帯島嶼との比較島嶼学的考察で、地域戦略(観光・環境・文化振興)の基本構造を捉えた。「道の島々」復活は、那覇ルート・鹿児島ルート・奄美大島ルート集客ルートいずれにも有効な戦略である。環境・文化面でも、真亜熱帯への入り口地域性と、里海・里山復活、本物志向の見直しが求められる。与論では先導的情報革命が始まっており、共治活動は生活環境5領域を網羅しており、レベルは薩南島嶼の中でも高い。しかし、民主導性や、有償活動での体験学習・案内・福祉充実などに向けたNPOセクター形成が、課題である。与論ホスピタリティ向上には、生活環境5ウエア充足と、3ライフ領域の更なる質向上が戦略として重要で、それに向けたエンパワメントが、十分条件となる。For self-directive development in Yoron Island, endogenous empowerment, co-governavility, sustainability and comparative advantages were considered. Locality and vernacular culture of Yoron is affected by subtropical climate; north from Okinawan Main-land and southern most in Amami Islands, and the part of Ryukyu Cultural Zone. The island promotion of culture, environment and tourism; through cross nissology between subtropical and subtemperate islands constitutes the basic structure of regional development strategy. The rennaisance of the story of "Road of Islands" is the most effective and attractive strategy for passengers from Naha route, Kagoshima route or Amami Oshima route. A new challenge is facing the environment and culture. There is a need for the re-recognition of the entrance area to the southern central subtropical zone. Intrinsic goods and service development, and restoration of home beach and sea or home hill and forest, are required. The intiative development of high speed information network have been established in Yoron before other Satsnan small islands. The co-governance ability level is higher than any other Satsnan small island, and that is for every 5 human environmental ware ( Human-ware, Spiritual-ware, Ecological-ware, Soft-ware and Hard-ware). However initiatives by private sector is not well developed. There is no NPO sector that had been established yet; which is expected for an effective non-government role for tourist guide, study tour and welfare support for fair trade. The comprehensive empowerment toward 5 human environmental ware and the establishment of a higher quality of 3-dimension life (life course, living, vital life) are needed for a sufficient development of regional hospitality.
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