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ツバキやサザンカ上のチャドクガEuproctis pseudoconspersaを防除する場合に懸念される薬液の飛散を防止するために浸透移行性殺虫剤の株下散布および土壌施用を試みた。その結果, 4月に殺虫剤を処理したサザンカ上では, チアメトキサム水溶剤区で45日目以降, 本種幼虫の発生をゼロに抑えることができた。一方ツバキ上ではチアメトキサム粒剤区, クロチアニジン粒剤区, チアメトキサム水溶剤区で45日目以降, 幼虫の発生がゼロであった。処理7ヶ月後に樹高2mと3mから採取した葉における各種殺虫剤の残効性は, サザンカではチアメトキサム水溶剤区で葉位にかかわらず供試した1齢幼虫の死亡率が100%であった。一方,ツバキ葉では, チアメトキサム水溶剤は葉位2mで100%, 葉位3mでも50%以上の死亡率を示した。We examined the effectiveness of root collar spraying and soil application of several systemic insecticides in controlling the tea tussock moth on Camellia japonica L. and C. sasanqua Thunb. without causing problems of pesticide drift. In C. sasanqua that had been treated with insecticides in April, thiamethoxam 10% WG completely controlled newly hatched larvae 45 days after insecticide application. In C. japonica, newly hatched larvae were more effectively controlled by thiamethoxam 10% WG, thiamethoxam 0.5% GR, and clothianidin 0.5% GR. To evaluate the residual activity of these insecticides, first instar larvae of the moth placed on leaves collected at heights of 2m and 3m from treated trees 7 months after insecticide application. For C. sasanqua leaves treated with thiamethoxam 10% WG, larval mortality was 100% on leaves from both 2m and 3m. For C. japonica leaves treated with thiamethoxam 10% WG, larval mortality was 100% on leaves collected at 2m, and over 50% on leaves collected at 3m.
- 2010-03-31
坂巻 祥孝
津田 勝男
鹿児島大 農
Tsuda Katsuo
Laboratory Of Plant Pathology And Entomology Faculty Of Agriculture Kagoshima University
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