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(1) Hymenolepis carioca is a white threadlike slender cestode and scolex (Fig.1) flattened dorsal-ventrally, 400μ long and 280μ side. There are four unarmed sucker, spherical, 76μ to 80μ in diameter. The rostellum is also unarmed erd situated on the top of the scoiex. The size of the rostellum is 104μ in diameter. Still more, the characteristics of the cestode is that its each of segments has three testis (Fig.2). (2) The number of the eggs found in a mature segment is 11-15 ard fewer in comparison with other cestodes. Eggs in gravid uterus are spherical or oval, with four thin membranes and onchospheres are found in the center of the eggs. The onchosphere (Fig.3) has six small hooks, 11-16μ long. (3) Eating Hitter cadaverinus HOFFMANN, these onchospheres begin to grow in the abdominal cavity and become mature cysticercoids. The cysticercoid (Fig.4) has a caudal appendage. (4) The cysticercoids developed into adult cestodes in the small intestine in about 20th day after the fowl swallowed mature cysticercoids. From this, the writer found that Hister cadaverinus HOFFMANN could be an intermediate host of this cestode.
- 奈良學藝大學の論文
奈良學藝大學 | 論文
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