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Raillietina tetragona is one of the most common chicken tapeworms and can be found quite easily. This paper is devoted to the study of its ecology and life-history.A) Ecology of Raillietina tetragona. Raillietina tetragona lived in the largest number in the small intestine of the chicken between the first and the second year of the breeding season, and in the third year these tapeworms began to decrease gradually and at last the intestine became almost free from them. The gravid segments were excreted from May to November when the insects living inside and outside of the yards were dominant, but they decreased in winter when the insects were out of existence. This fact tells probably that many of the insects mentioned above became the intermediate host of R. tetragona. The writer found that the number of the excreted segments depended upon the feeding time, the nature of food and the activity time of the chickens.B) Life-history With the view of determining the intermediate hosts of R. tetragona, the writer purposely fed 24 species of insects with fragments of mature proglottids and found that the onchospheres began to grow only in the abdorminal cavity of the following 7 species of insects, and developed into mature cysticercoids; Onthophagus ater WATERHOUSE, O.viduus HAROLD, Hister niponicus LEWIS, Sarcophagus carnaria LINNE, Lncilia LINNE, Harpalus tridens MORAWITZ and Labidura sp.. Then, the writer also examined the natural infection on the following 5 species of insects which had swarmed on the chicken feces ; Onthophagus ater WATERHOUS, O.viduus HAROLD, Hister niponicus LEWIS, Tetramorium caespitum jacoti WHEELER, Oxytelus vicinus SHARP and Paratrechina flavipes SMITH, and found that 2 species of them, Cnthephagus ater WATERHOUS and O.viduus HAROLD, were natually infected with the mature cysticercoids. This study, however, is limited to the life-history of the tapeworm which makes Onthophagus ater WATERHOUS its intermediate host. Its developmental process is illustrated by Figs. 10-14. Then, to determine the artificial infection with the chicken, the writer fed a white Leghon cock of one month old with 8 mature cystecercoids taken out of Cnthophagus ater WATERHOUS, and cutting open its small intestine 20 days later, the writer found 6 mature R. tetragona. Through this experiment the writer found that Onthophagus ater WATERHOUS could be an intermediate host of Raillietina tetragona.
- 奈良學藝大學の論文
- 1952-03-20
奈良學藝大學 | 論文
- 近世における奈良晒の生産販賣組織
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