Optimality of Entry Regulation under Incomplete Information
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The lack of complete information of the government has been considered as a barrier to the optimal regulation, as it is well-known in price regulations literature. However, it is not true for the entry regulation: This paper shows that the performance of the entry regulation under incomplete information can be better than that under complete information. Under incomplete information, the incumbent firm would deviate from the monopoly behavior to signal itself as an efficient type and to trigger entry regulation which prevents excess entry in case that the incumbent is efficient. As a result, social welfare can be even higher than under complete information, since not only the optimal post-entry market structure is achieved as under complete information but the pre-entry price is even lower than that under complete information.
論文 | ランダム
- スタートアップの経済学(第8回)競争戦略
- CS-8 消化管器械吻合 (PKS-25M, EEA) の術式とその成績(第16回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 鉄塔-送電線連成系振動特性に及ぼす吊架振動の影響に関する実測的研究
- 悩みの多様化を背景に製品投入が続く毛穴対策市場
- 環境 送電鉄塔雷撃タイムカウンターの開発