A Study on the Exercise Electrocardiogram of the College-Aged Women.
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The importance of adequate physical exercise in middle and old as well as young age is now emphasized by scientists in order to maintain health and improve physical fitness. From a physiological and medical viewpoint, however, any physical training is rather meaningless unless it is based on sound physiological considerations. The arthors analyzed an exercise electrocardiogram (the modified bipolar II) of apparently healthy college-aged women before, during and after the step test. The mean heart rate (81. 1 beats/min at rest) increased to 173.6 during exercise. The mean score of the step test was 54.9. The QTT intervals (from the onset of Q wave to the top of T wave; 0.274 sec at rest), which were measured more easily and precisely than the QT intervals during exercise, were shortened by about 0.09 sec during exercise. QTTc lengthened when the exercise started and this longer interval continued until it ceased. The changes of QTTc among elementary school girls were reported to resemble those of college-aged women; the former, however, lengthened suddenly and markedly immediately after the beginning of exercise, indicating that the heart rate cycle of college-aged women was less modified than that of elementary school girls. The T wave became lower during exercise. ST-segment depressions within the normal range were found in seven subjects during and immediately after exercise and these regained the resting level during recovery. The authors believe that the results studied in this paper will help as a guide to the training methods to promote and maintain good health.最近,健康の保持増進をめざして身体活動を行うことの重要性があらためて認識されるようになってきた.トレーニングを行うにあたって必要な科学的健康管理の一つとして著者等は女子大学生に踏台昇降を行わせ安静時,運動中,回復時の心電図を記録し分析した.安静時心拍数(81.1/分)は運動中173.6/分に達した.QTT間隔(安静時0.274秒)は運動中短縮(0.185秒)した.QTTcは運動中延長した.運動開始直後のQTTcの変動は先に報告された女子小学生より緩慢であり運動による心臓周期の急激な変容は青年期においてはみられなかった.運動中のT波高の増高は認められなかった.7名の被検者にSTの低下があったがいずれも正常範囲内であった.さらに,QTT,QTTcの意義についても考察した.以上の総括から,トレーニング開始前には健康人であっても心電図さらに負荷心電図を検討し慎重に健康管理をする必要性を認めた.
- 1979-02-10
論文 | ランダム
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