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筑波地震観測所(MTJ)では,HES 1-02型(Vmax.=150,000)により,S-P時間別による微小地震の回数を読取っている.今回は,1969年8月~1973年10月の地震回数変化について報告する.The frequency of microearthquakes observed by HES 1-0.2 electromagnetic seismograph (Vmax.=150,000) at Tsukuba Seismological Observatory (MTJ) was investigated for different interval of S-P time for the period from August 1969 to October 1973. The frequency of microearthquakes are stationary with some fluctuations for the intervals (A-H), however it shows a decreasing tendency for the interval lc). Abnormal events such as earthquake swarm and aftershock activities are clearly observed in Fig.1, (B), (C) and (E).
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