- 論文の詳細を見る
William Faulkner, a Deep Southerner,wrote woods and hunting stories including“TheBear”. They are stories of the Mississippi Delta. Faulkner also wished to be called“afarmer.”Henry David Thoreau, a New Englander, is often regarded as“a naturalist poet.”Both of them two loved nature a great deal and thought of the relation between man andnature very deeply.They contributed much to the world of American nature writing.In this paper the author discusses how they had their own close relation with wildernessand how they wrote on what they had thought on nature each in their own way. Faulkner'sstories of wilderness cannot be discussed without mentions to the history of planters of theold South and racial problem. Whereas, Thoreau's writing, especially Walden, is the veryphilosophical and scientific study of nature in which he thought not only on nature itself butalso on what man should learn from it and how they should live in their daily life.Though Faulkner and Thoreau lived in quite a different time and place, both of them seemto have pursued in wilderness what was very essential and valuable to man and his life.
- 2000-03-20
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