Whaling as a Battleground: The EU Regulatory Empire and Denmark/Greenland
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At the Environment Council of Luxembourg on 5 June 2008, the European Union (EU) stated its common position in support of maintaining the moratorium on whaling/protection of whales. The present paper tries to present an overview of political relations between the EU, its member state Denmark and Denmark’s dominion Greenland while exploring the ‘regulatory empire’ concept with regard to whaling activities. In this respect, if we were to define the methodological approach of this paper in a single phrase, we could use the expression: “conceptual redefinition of the physical substance”. This approach enables us to theoretically explain the uncertainty that accompanies the act of the subject, and to make visible structural elements that have not been noticed so far.2008年6月5日、EUはルクセンブルクにおいて環境相理事会を開き、EUの共通理念として捕鯨をめぐるEUのスタンスを初めて「反捕鯨」とすることで一致した。本稿は、EUの「反捕鯨」規範が物質構造と規範構造の間主観的相互作用によって形成され、それがEUの政策を規定しているという前提に立ち、捕鯨をめぐるEU、EU加盟国デンマーク、そしてデンマークの自治領グリーンランドの三者を「規制帝国」という新たな概念を援用して説明することを試みるものである。
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