AC Calorimetric Design for Dynamic of Biological Materials
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We developed a new AC calorimeter for the measurement of dynamic specific heat capacity in liquids, including aqueous suspensions of biological materials. This method has several advantages. The first is that a high-resolution measurement of heat capacity, inmillidegrees, can be performed as a function of temperature, even with a very small sample. Therefore, AC calorimeter is a powerful tool to study critical behavior a tphase transition in biological materials. The second advantage is that the dynamic heat capacity can be measured. We have interest in the frequency dependence of the heat capacity. The third advantage is that the sensitivity of detecting an anomaly in the heat capacity is quite high, anamount of the sample can be very small, and it is easy to measure the heat capacity precisely. Using this AC calorimeter we performed the measurements of dynamic specific heat capacity of a lipids suspended in water. In next paragraph, an experimental method in AC calorimeter for biological materials is discussed. We describe the two types of AC calorimeter, in which thermal energy is supplied either by the irradiation of alternately-chopped light or by AC Joule-heating. Using this direct Joule-heating AC calorimeter we carried out AC calorimetric studies at a very low frequency.
- 奈良大学の論文
奈良大学 | 論文
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