冬季の運動指導に関する基礎的研究 : 積雪前後の身体計測値の比較
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Abstract:The purpose of this study was to obtain basic data for creating a teaching program characteristic to Yamagata Prefecture with cold, and snowfall in winter by measuring body weights, percents of body fat, hand grips, oxygen uptake before and after a snow season. Subjects were 10 public health nurses, university staff and faculty in Yamagata Prefecture who voluntarily agreed with the study and participated in the measurements before and after the snowfall. The participants were all female with an average age and standard deviation of 47.0 ± 12.5. Hand grips were significantly decreased (p = 0.009), and percents of body fat were significantly increased after the snowfall (p = 0.028). Body weights did not show significant difference before and after the snow season, indicating the decrease in muscles volume and increase in fat volume. These findings show the necessity to create a physical exercise program for Yamagata residents including home exercise to use muscles in winter. Linear regression of resting VO2 on the grips after the snowfall was obtained as Y (mL/min/kg) = 0.0590X (kg)+ 2.89 (adjusted coefficient of determination = 0.351, p = 0.04). Such an estimation of VO2 from easily measurable hand grips can be applied in health guidance of public health nurses. Key words:teaching physical exercise in winter, physical activity, physical measuring, oxygen uptake
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