The effects of average KR schedule and decided movement rhythm on learning of timing
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研究の目的は、タイミング動作パターンの習得と学習における平均フィードバックの長さと決められた動作リズムの影響を検討することであった。この研究において、課題は5つの動作構成からなった:(1)スタートボタンを押す、(2)初めの板を倒す(3)2番目の板を倒す(4)3番目の板を倒す(5)ストップ(ゴール)ボタンを押す。被験者には1200msecの目標タイムが課せられた。被験者は300msecの時間間隔で5つのサブ動作を終えるか(決められた課題)、自分の時間間隔で終えるか(フリー課題)の何れかを行った。そして、被験者は100% KR, 3-trial average KR, 5-trial average KRのいずれかの条件でフィードバックが与えられた。結果から、決められた動作リズムはタイミング動作パターンの習得に遅れが見られた。そして、3-trial average KRはタイミング動作パターンの習得に適切であったことが示された。The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of average feedback length and decided movement rhythm on the acquisition and retention of timing movement patterns. In this study, the task consisted of five movement components (submovements): (1) press a starting button, (2) knock down first barrier, (3) knock down second barrier, (4) knock third barrier, and (5) press a stop (goal) button. The goal movement time for the subjects to complete the five submovements was 1200 ms. The subjects were requested to finish the five submovements either with a 300-ms fixed interval (decided task), or a self-determined interval (free task), between any two submovements. The subjects were provided either 100% KR, or 3-trial average KR, or 5-trial average KR, depending on the conditions. The results indicate that the decided movement rhythm led to a delay in the acquisition of timing movement patterns. The author claims that the average of three trials associated with KR after every trial tended to be an appropriate length for the acquisition of timing movement patterns; however, there is little support from the data.
- 2007-03-01
論文 | ランダム
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