骨髄体外組織培養に於ける生体染色の研究 第1編 健康家兎骨髄機能に及ぼす色素の影響
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By performing a series of bone-marrow tissue culture with Fischer-Carrel's method modified somewhat in our laboratory, the author studied influences of dyes on the bone-marrow tissue in vital staining as well as the most appropriate concentration of staining solution. As far as the bone-marrow tissue culture is concerned, no one seems to have as yet carried out investigation on this problem. As for basic dyes, neutral red, methylene blue, gentian violet and toluidine blue were selected; and for acid dyes, litium carmine, tripan blue and tolysin blue were used. The results thus obtained are as follows: 1. When the dyes above mentioned are added to the medium in the concentration of either 0.001 per cent or 0.01 per cent, it has been found that gentian violet in either concentration acts as to inhibit the growth of bone marrow tissue; neutral red, methylene blue and tripan blue in the lower concentration (0.001% ) act as to accelerate the growth; neutral red, methylene blue and toluidine blue in a higher concentraion (0.01% ) act as to inhibit the growth; and lithium carmine and tolyrin blue act irregualrly in either concentration. 2. Next, in order to determine the most appropriate concentration of neutral red and lithium carmine solutions so that such a concentration will not interfere with tissue culture and at the same time it will give enough vital staining for observations, the author studied the relationship between the concentraions of dyes on one hand and the lnegth of time required in staining, the degree of staining, the relative growth rate of bone marrow tissue in culture and the wandering velocity of pseudoeosinophils on the other. As the result it has been decided that the most appropriate concentration of neutral red is 0.01 per cent and that of lithium carmine 0.03 per cent.
- 1958-07-31
論文 | ランダム
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