絵本の読み聞かせに関する心理学的研究(Ⅳ) -幼児の物語理解に及ぼす視点と絵本提示の効果-
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The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the orienting the viewpoints and the presentation of a picture book on youg children s story comprehension. The mam findings of this study were as follows: ① The score of the comprehension test was highest for subjects who were oriented their viewpoints and were presented a picture book. ② The score of the comprehension test was lowest for the subjects who were not oriented their viewpoits and were not presented the picture book. The results suggest that orienting the viewpoints to things, peoples and scenes in the story and presenting pictures in course of reading the book have a considerable facultative effects on young children s story comprehension.
- 1993-03-31
論文 | ランダム
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