- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between "SHUTAISEI(self-direction)" and "the feeling of adaptation" of children from longitude survey by means of interviews and by the questionnaire method. From the results of this longitude survey, which took place over one year, the relationship was examined from a clinical point of view comparing the experiences of each child during the survey. The results in each case did not necessarily coincide with results obtained by statistical analysis for a large mass of children. But the results showed that the level of "the feeling of adaptation" varied in accordance with the level of "SHUTAISEI(self-direction)", fairly well. From these results and considerations, the indication is that there are some environmental factors in school life which influence the "SHUTAISEI(self-direction)" and "the feeling of adaptation" of a child. It would ne useful to conduct the survey mentioned here in school fields to find out mental problems of children and to be able to take remedial action at an early stage of non-adaption.
- 2009-03-31
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