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Natural in-situ clay deposits display fabric anisotropy due to parallel alignment of their peds. The fabric anisotropy may have considerable influence on the mechanical properties of clay. Some experimental investigations on the above mentioned influence have been already done with tri-axial and direct shear, except true tri-axial testing apparatus. Presented herein is an experimental study of the influence of the fabric anisotropy on the mechanical properties of saturated alluvial clay under three dimensional stress condition with true tri-axial testing apparatus. Tests as follows were carried out on cubical specimen of saturated alluvial clay with combination of cutting angle β between the principal stress direction and sedimentary plane and b-value. (1) One-direction restrained consolidation test (2) Two-direction restrained consolidation test (3) Isotropic consolidated undrained (CIU) shear test (4) Ko-consolidated undrained (CKoU) shear test From these test results, some three-dimensional mechanical properties were clarified as follows: (1) The ratio of the anisotropic stress ratio at rest K13 to K12 may be useful as a quantitative index for the anisotropic fabric. (2) K13/K12 increases with increasing cutting angle β, and reachs about unity at β=90° degree. (3) Alluvial clay with the anisotropic fabric has a deformation characteristics as a cross anisotropy material. (4) Both excess pore water pressure and effective stress ratio at failure are subjected larger influence in extension (b=0.5-1.0) rather than in compression (b=0) due to the anisotropic fabric.
- 長崎大学工学部,Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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