- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper focuses on the procedures at the conference for clinical practice in geriatric nursing. This indicates the process by which we can explore the meaning of students' experiences in nursing. As a result, what the teachers have carried out as their role in developing teaching material at the conference is as follows: 1. Understanding students' experiences 2. Structuring the problems (issues) and extracting the items which can possibly be studied. 3/ Clarification 4. Examination of the direction of nursing support 5. Helping students discover the meaning of their nursing practice in the search for a theme 6. Generalization The most important point among these six is structuring the problems (issues) and extracting the items which can possibly be studied. It is necessary to have consistency when studying during the conference. The effect of the teaching material is as follows: 1. Being able to support students to discover the meaning of their practical training in nursing. 2. Being able to achieve the goals of the conference. The following abilities are also required of the teachers. They are as follows: 1. The ability to understand their students 2. The ability to understand their clients 3. The ability to structure the issues 4. The ability to explain in their own words 5. The ability to understand group dynamics 6. The method of teaching. The ability to structure the issues and explain them in the teachers' own words is especially needed.本論では、老年看護学実習のカンファレンスにおける「教材化」に焦点をあて、「教材化のプロセス」「教材化の効果」「教材化に関与する教員の能力」について検討した。教材化のプロセスは、(1)学生の直接的体験の把握、(2)テーマの構造化と学習可能事項の抽出、(3)明確化、(4)テーマとの接点を意識した関わりの方向性の検討、(5)経験の意味づけおよびテーマ探求の援助、(6)テーマの構造化にフィードバックされた総括であった。また、教材化の効果は、(1)学生理解の能力、(2)クライエント理解の能力、(3)構造化能力、(4)言語化能力、(5)グループ状況把握能力、(6)教育技法の6つが導き出された。学生の体験を看護学的な概念と適切に関連づけ理解させるために、「構造化能力」と「言語化能力」はとくに必要と考えられた。
- 新潟青陵大学の論文
- 2005-00-00
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