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Now a day self decision has a big value for providing The social work. So for the people who have mental disability were treated as the ones who were not able to decid by themselves, therefore supporter always managed case instead of them, However it has changed certainly, Actually there are some cases that this self decision doesnot work properly for their benefits. If I state that hard self decision which carries the responsibility for benefits, another is soft self decision which is made up by the people who have mental disability and supporter based on thier reliable relationship. In this thesis I state the soft self decision is the most inportent for providing The social work.今日、社会福祉援助技術にとって「自己決定」は重要な価値である。精神障害者は従来「自己決定できない者」とされ、パターナリズムによる援助者中心の処遇が行われてきたが、それも変化してきている。しかし現実には当事者の「自己決定」に委ねることが必ずしも当事者利益に繋がらないケースもある。この論文では効率と自己責任中心の「硬い自己決定」ではなく、当事者が援助者との関係性の中で自己決定を行うという「柔らかい自己決定」こそが社会福祉援助技術で言う「自己決定」であると提言している。
- 新潟青陵大学の論文
- 2005-00-00
新潟青陵大学 | 論文
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