- 論文の詳細を見る
The objectives of the present study were to investigate changes in learning motivation before and after pre-entrance assignments for 14 students admitted on recommendation to nursing school A, and to compare the obtained data to those for 33 students who entered through general admissions. A survey was conducted using an originally developed 15-item questionnaire. The results for students admitted on recommendation showed a reduction in learning motivation for one item (related to knowledge acquisition through reading) immediately after pre-entrance assignments compared to before the assignments; however, no significant differences were observed before and after assignments for other items. Compared to general admission students, those admitted on recommendation tended to have higher motivation for five items (related to human psychology and communication skills) immediately after the assignments; no significant differences were observed for other items. The findings suggest that while pre-entrance assignments do not increase learning motivation, they may help to maintain motivation. Because the learning motivation of students admitted on recommendation for items related to human interactions increased after pre-entrance assignments, the capability of modified pre-entrance assignments to further enhance motivation should be investigated.本研究では、A大学看護学科における推薦入学者14名を対象として、入学前課題学習前後の学習への動機づけの変化、および一般入学者33名との比較を明らかにすることを目的とした。研究者らが独自に作成した15項目からなる質問紙を用いて調査した。その結果、推薦入学者では読書による知識獲得に関する1項目が入学前課題学習前に比べて学習直後には低下していたが、その他の項目では学習前後で有意差はなかった。一般入学者との比較では人の心理やコミュニケーション能力に関する5項目で推薦入学者が入学前課題学習直後に高い傾向にあったが、その他の項目では有意差はなかった。入学前課題学習には学習への動機づけを向上させる効果はないものの、学習への動機づけを維持する作用が推測された。推薦入学者は入学前課題学習前より人とのかかわりに関する学習への動機づけが高いものと推測され、それを強化できるような課題への変更を検討する必要性が示唆された
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