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The scales to measure 'Internet addiction' and 'video game addiction' for school children were developed using item response theory (IRT). The participants in this study were 2,947 school children from fourth grader of primary school to second grader of high school. They answered the questionnaire including the scale items for each addiction and the usage of Internet and video game, and so on. The data of children who used Internet (N=1,521) or video games (N=1,742) were analyzed for each scale development. The IRT parameters; discrimination power and difficulty level, were estimated using the graded response model of IRT. The developed item pool for Internet addiction scale included 11 items with very high discrimination and relatively high difficulty on average. The item pool for Video game addiction scale included 11 items with relatively high in both discrimination and difficulty on average.The relationship between the scale value for Internet addiction and time connecting Internet (h/wk) as an external criterion was significant (p<0.001) when the grade and sex were controlled using multiregression analysis. The main effect of children's lack of confidence to control the time connecting Internet as a criterion to the scale value was significant using 3-way ANOVA (p<0.001). Similar relationships were observed in the scale value for Video game addiction and the criterion variables (p<0.001). The results indicate that the scales have a criterion-related validity. Also, the easy use of developed scales was proposed.The cross-sectional change in each scale value with grade advancing was described. The Internet addiction scale value showed the significant increase from primary to high school children (ANOVA;p<0.001), and significant sex difference (girls > boys, p<0.01). The Video game addiction scale value showed the significant increase with grade advanced (p<0.001), sex difference (boys > girls, p<0.001),and interaction (grade×sex, p<0.001).In summary, the scales developed could be useful tools in this field of study and practice in health education and guidance.
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