- 論文の詳細を見る
The distribution of temperature in the water heated by infrared radiation emitted from the ceramic heater was investigated. Two types of ceramic heater (type A, B) having individually different spectral radiation characteristics as shown in Fig. 2 were used. The temperature of the emitting surface was held at about 260℃ during the experiment and the temperature change distribution in the irradiated water was recorded. The results are as follows; ① The energy contributed to the temperature rise of the water, excepting the evaporation energy at the water surface was about 40 percent of the emitted radiation energy for type A. It was almost 60 percent for type B which has a spectral radiation characteristics similar to a blackbody. ② The results of the calculation postulating the constant heat flux at the surface of the water showed some difference with the experimental results as shown in Fig. 8 (a), (b). The reason is not yet clear and the more studies are needed.
- 長崎大学工学部,Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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