[原著]卵巣類皮囊胞に伴ったInsular carcinoid の1症例
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A case of insular carcinoid accompanied by an ovarian dermoid cyst in a 47-year-old woman is reported. Patient sometimes had left lower abdominal pain and was pointed out a left lower abdominal mass by a doctor in December, 1981. In March 1982, she was admitted to Naha Prefectural Hospital for medical examination and suspected a left ovarian tumor. Laboratory data were not contributable. On March 9, 1982, she was operated and the left ovarian tumor was extirpated. The tumor was a dermoid cyst of 6.0 X 4.0 X 5.0cm. insize, containing a yewllowish sebaceous secretion admixed with hair. Microscopically, the cyst wall shows the sebaceous or sweat grands, smooth muscles, and small cysts lined by ciliated epithelium. But in the thickened part of the wall, there was a small solid island of tumor cells. Tumor cells were round to oval and the nuclei were round in shape but the nucleoli were not clear. In the cytoplasm, there were fine granules stained from light brown to reddish brown by H. E. The tumor cells were strongly positive by an argyrophil reaction (Grimelius' method) but negative by an argentaffin reaction (Fontana-Masson's method). No mitotic figures were observed in the tumor. Electron microscopic examination revealed numerous electron-dense, secretory granules without a halo, measuring 150-460 nm. in size in the cytoplasm.
- 琉球大学医学部,Faculty of Medicine, University of the Ryukyusの論文
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