Diffusion-controlled A+A→0 reaction of nonequilibrium states in disordered linear-chain lattice
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To investigate the kinetics of photoexcited states in MX chain compounds the diffusion-controlled irreversible reaction of A+A→0 on a disordered linear lattice is examined by numerical simulation, where A and 0 denote the photoexcited state and its annihilation, respectively. The lattice disorder is introduced by irregular energy barriers of which the height obeys a Gaussian distribution around a given value. As the irregularity evolves the survival probability S(ζ), ζ=N02Dt, of A is transformed from Torney-McConnell’s form or its modified one into the Kohlrausch form S(ζ)=exp[-(ζ/ζ1/e)β], so that S(ζ) becomes still more nonexponential, where N0, D, and t are the initial density, diffusion coefficient, and reaction time, respectively. The argument β is reduced as if the fractal dimension of the lattice is reduced from unity. Concurrently, the parameter ζ1/e increases, so that the 1/e decay time τ at a given temperature increases significantly. As long as, however, the mean height of the barriers remains unchanged, the temperature dependence of τ is not altered by the irregularity. The present results are consistent in various respects with the decay properties of long-lived solitons observed in degenerated MX chain compounds.擬一次元MX鎖錯体における光誘起状態の動力学についてこれまで実験で得られた知見を検証し、さらに一層深く考究を進めるために、乱れた直鎖格子上でのA+A→0という拡散律速非可逆反応のコンピュータシミュレーションを行なった。格子の乱れのために、粒子Aが酔歩で跳び越えるエネルギー障壁の高さが不規則であるとし、その不規則度をガウス分布で導入すると、MX鎖錯体における光誘起状態の生存率曲線の温度変化、レーザ光強度依存性および試料依存性など、様々な実験的知見がシミュレーションでよく再現された。この研究より、格子の乱れによる系のフラクタル次元の低下という根本原理が様々な現象の背後にあることが初めて浮き彫りとなった。
- 2000-01-15
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