The genetics of two colour forms of Chrysolina aurichalcea (Mannerheim) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and these gene frequencies around the Utsukushigahara Heights, central Honshu, Japan.
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The inheritance pattern of the two colour forms (cyaneus-form and cupreous-form) of adult Chrysolina aurichalcea (Mannerheim) was examined by the crossing. The inheritance of these colour forms followed Mendel's law, showing the dominance of cyaneus-form over cupreous-form. The sampling of field populations around the Utsukushigahara Heights, central Honshu, Japan, was carried out at 74 sites. The estimation based on these results showed that the gene frequencies of cupreous-form were high (80-90%) at mountain areas (the sites higher than alt. 1600m) whereas they were low (20-50%) at the basins of both sides of the heights (the Matsumoto and the Ueda basins: the sites lower than alt. 800m). At the boundary of the mountain areas and the two basin areas, the gene frequency showed various rate and in some cases, it changed abruptly between the two sites which were apart from each other by a few hundreds meters. The histogram of gene frequencies among them for 8 years showed that the frequencies were fairly constant at major sites. At some sites, the phenotypic frequency of cupreous-form fluctuated very much. The causes of differentiation into two groups and of the change at some sites in phenotypic frequency were discussed with possible explanations, especially in relation to natural selection by the environmental factors.
- 信州大学理学部の論文
信州大学理学部 | 論文
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