Analyses of Histocompability and Isozyme Variations in Triploid Fish, Carassius auratus langsdorfii
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Clonal diversity of triploid gynogenetic fish, Carassius auratus langsdorfii, was examined by tissue grafts and electrophoreses of several enzymes and muscle protein. The hypervariabilities of histocompatibility clones and electromorph clones were observed in wild-caught specimens. The ratio of DNA value of each specimen to control diploid fish varied from 1.38 to 2.01. Unidirectional histocompatibility and protein variations in histocompatibility clones were the characteristics of this gynogenetic fish. These facts seem to indicate the divergence of a clone. Tissue-incompatibility was observed betweeen F脀 progeny of triploid ginbuna × Shubunkin. Some of offspring expressed the male-dependent transparent-scaled character. This indicates the fact that fusions of female and male pronuclei must have occured. In the other strain, random reductions of DNA values were observed. The divergence of a clone must have been caused by the gene addition or loss.
- 信州大学理学部の論文
- 1984-10-15
信州大学理学部 | 論文
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