火山島の地下水(その1) : 小火山島の簡単な水収支
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Ground water balance of Toshima, Izu Island, have been studied as the type of small volcanic island. For the calculation of the ground water balance, this island was modelled as follows. a) This island is modelled as conical island which is consisted of homogeneous aquifer on the geologic and topographic aspects. b) It is assumed that the ground water flow tended radial from the center of the island to the coast. At this model, ground water table level is assumed from the level of salinity water surface which is sounded by the electoric survey. And then, the function is established for the calculation of the ground water balance of this island as follows. Lr2+2Kh2=C L:recharge volume from ground surface r:radius from center of island K:coefficient of permiability h:gound water table high from sea level C:integration constant Through this calculation, it is concluded that the total volume of ground water flow of this island is about 14,000m3/day. In this process, the coefficient of permiability of the aquifer is calculated as 1.66×10{ 3m/sec.
- 信州大学理学部の論文
- 1980-03-28
信州大学理学部 | 論文
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