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広島大学柔道部員22名について, トレッドミルの速度漸増法により最大酸素摂敢量を測定し柔道部員の特徴を検討した。又一流柔道選手及び他の競技種目の一流選手と比較し柔道競技者の特徴を検討した。結果は次のとうりである。1. 本学柔道部員の最大酸素摂取量は, 平均3.49l/分, 体重当りの競大酸素摂取量は平均49.5ml/kg/分であった。2. 本学柔道部員の軽量級, 軽中量級, 中量級及び重量級の最大酸素摂取量は各々平均3.3l/分, 3.4l/分, 3.7l/分, 3.8l/分であり重量級になるに従って大きな値を示し, 重量級は軽量級よりも15%上まわっていた。又, 体重当りの最大酸素摂取量は各々, 52.1ml/kg/分, 49.4ml/kg/分, 49.2ml/kg/分, 42.8ml/kg/分であり重量級になるに従って小さな値を示し重量級は軽量級に比べて18%下まわっていた。3. 本学柔道部員と一流柔道選手について平均値で比較したところ, 最大酸素摂取量は一流柔道選手の方が柔道部員よりも9%上まわっており, 体重当りの最大酸素摂取量は柔道部員の方が一流柔道選手よりも10%上まわっていた。4. 一般正常日本人に比べて柔道部員及び一流柔道選手の最大酸素摂取量は秀れていたが体重当りの最大酸素取量は極単に劣っていた。5. 一般的に柔道競技者の最大酸素摂取量は他の競技種目の一流選手と比較して低く体重当りの最大酸素摂取量は非常に劣っている。6. 柔道競技者はどの階級においても呼吸循環機能の水準を高めることを目的としたトレーニングプログラムを研究し, 実行していくことが競技成績を向上させるための重要な課題である。The aim of the present study is to observe the physiological characteristics of the 22 members of Judo club in Hiroshima University in comparison with first rank Judoists in Japan and at the same time with those excellent athletes of other sports in the world.The subjects performed on all-out run on the treadmill at 8.6% grades. Their speed in this case kept at 160m/min. during the first 3 minutes, and afterwards the speed was increased by 20m/min. every two minutes until the subjects became exhausted.The experimental results are summarized as follows :1. The mean maximum oxygen intake of Judo club members in Hiroshima University was 3.5 1/min. (max. 4.2 1/min., min. 3.0 1/min.) and the maximum oxygen intake per body weight was 49.5 ml/kg/min.2. The mean maximum oxygen intake was 3.3 1/min. in the light weight class, 3.4 1/min. in the light middle weight class, 3.7 1/min. in the middle weight class, and 3.8 1/min. in the heavy weight class. The maximum oxygen intake of the heavy weight class was 15% superior to the light weight class.3. The mean maximum oxygen intake per body weight was 52.1 ml/kg/min. in the light weight class, 49.4 ml/kg/min. in the light middle weight class, 49.2 ml/kg/min. in the middle weight class, and 42.8 ml/kg/min. in the heavy weight class. The maximum oxygen intake per body weight of the heavy weight class was 18% inferior to the light weight class.4. The maximum oxygen intake of the first class Judoists in Japan was 9% superior to the Judo club members in Hiroshima University, but in relation to maximum oxygen intake per body weight, Judo club members of Hiroshima University were superior by 10% on the average.6. Generally, the maximum oxygen intake of Judoists was inferior in comparison with those excellent athletes of other sports, particularly in relation to the maximum oxygen intake per body weight.7. The present writer is desirous as follows : The more organized program of training which enables Judoists to develop the standard of the cardio-respiratory function should be prepared in order to get optimum performance among competitions.
- 1978-03-30
論文 | ランダム
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