Contribution of convection to spatiotemporal stripe patterns formed by Ag and Sb coelectrodeposition.
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Various spatiotemporal patterns of dark and light stripes are formed on the surface of an electrode put in an electrolyte solution in a Ag and Sb coelectrodeposition system. In this study, we investigate the effect of natural convection of the solution on these spatiotemporal patterns. When the electrode is placed vertically, natural convection generally emerges in the electrolyte solution in the vicinity of the electrode surface during electrodeposition and flows upward along the electrode surface. When convective flow along the electrode surface was eliminated by placing the electrode horizontally, the configuration of the one-directional traveling waves (anisotropic shape) changed to an isotropic shape. This indicates that the formation of an anisotropic shape for one-directional traveling waves is due to upward convective flow along the electrode surface.
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