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Under the former-educational system, Tokyo Woman's Christian College was not a college but higher-level liberal arts school. The curriculum was fixed for students in precollege teaching certification courses. However, the college course students could choose subjects. From April of 1944, these discretions were abolished by the government in war.After the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration in 1945, the Japanese government began political reform democratically. Also, the college reformed their educational environment. One of the reforms was the adoption of elective subject since the academic year of 1947. From then, the students could decide their curriculum themselves. This system was started because of the students' request. At that time, the faculty and student's society often had meetings for improvement of educational problems.Regrettably, theory was one thing and practice was another. However, this action in higher education for Japanese women was valuable as one of the topics of women's rights and women's educational reforming.※ Before the 6th of May 1976, Tokyo Joshi Daigaku was given a English name “Tokyo Woman's Christian College".旧制の学制下では、東京女子大学は旧制専門学校に相当していた。そのため、主たるコースのカリキュラムは、教員免許(中学高等女学校教員無試験検定)取得のために時間割が固定されていたが、大学部のみ、科目を選択することができた。その自由は、1944年4月以降、戦時下の政府の方針で廃止された。1945年8月のポツダム宣言受諾以降、東京女子大学は、社会の民主化にあわせて、学内学習環境の改善を行った。その一つが、1947年4月導入の選択科目制度である。これは学生の希望に応えて始まった。実際の運用には問題があったが、旧制女子高等教育機関における戦後女性改革の一環と評価することが可能な出来事であった。
- 2009-03-10
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