[原著]時代に即応した簡便な血沈台の改良 : 玉那覇式血沈台について
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Lately, the disposable syringe have spreaded and the method to draw blood changed to the one using vacuum and the syringe. On that ground, we intended an improvement on the widely used stand for erythrocyte sedimentation, to a small extent in order to accomplish a quick and easy examinational procedure. On the peculiar points of our improvement; first matter is the creation of the holes to stand test tubes at the pedestal of the stand, and the second is the wall made of white plastic board as background. The practical procedures of the examination are as follows: The test tubes drawed a blood by vacuum are set in those holes, continuously the pipets for erythrocyte sedimentation which has been connected with 2.5 ml disposable syringe by rubber tube are inserted and fixed to the stand by plastic clips. Successively, the blood in the tubes are sucked up to a fixed quantity in the sedimentation tube by the connected syringe. The measurements of results of sedimentation became ease to read by virtue of white background of the stand. In this operation, the skilled technique is not needed and anxiety to the infection with viral hepatitis is almost neglected for scarce contamination of a circumference. This instrument has an advantage that saves the time to set the materials, taking about 5 minutes (about half time of the usual method) for 50 materials. Now, we can obtain commercially the instrument of automatic erythrocyte sedimentation, but it is very expensive and needs a lot of artificial operation. So at small facilities where have not so many materials, this TAMANAHA-type stand is a suitable utility model.
- 琉球大学医学部の論文
琉球大学医学部 | 論文
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