「障害者スポーツ」に対する意識レベルについて : 障害者スポーツ中級スポーツ指導員資格取得に結びつけるためには
- 論文の詳細を見る
To tie to the“ Sports Trainer of Disabled: Intermediate Sports Trainer” qualification acquisition, we investigatedthe consciousness level to“ Sports for the disabled”. The object people were 167 new students.1) Interested student in“ Sports for the disabled” was 53.3%. The will to acquire a“ Sports Trainer of Disabled:Intermediate Sports Trainer” qualification is strong because of strength of the interest. However,the student doesn’t understand the method of acquiring a“ Sports Trainer of Disabled: Intermediate SportsTrainer” qualification.2) The student who had answered,“ In my environment, there is disabled persons” was 27.5%. Moreover,the student who had answered,“ There is an experience of participating in the exchange with the handicappedperson” was 33.5%. In addition, the student who had answered,“ The television program and thenewspaper article, etc. concerning sports for the disabled were seen” was 92.2%.3) The student answered“ Sports for the disabled” item that he knew. In the result of the answer, basketballwas 46.1%, the wheelchair basketball was 44.9%, swimming were 25.1%, track and field sports were22.2%, and volleyball was from the high ranks to 9.6%.4) It is important to give motivation to“ Sports for the disabled” for an interesting student. Moreover, disseminationto sports for the disabled and appropriate guidance is regularly necessary.
- 2009-03-31
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